I hope you liked January’s blog posts as much as I liked writing them. I’ll be exploring more business topics for creatives in February.
Writing is fun for me, but I really want it to be about you! What do you as a current or future business owner want to learn about? Even if it’s something I don’t know a lot about, I love doing the research (I really do, I mean….is that normal?) and we can all benefit. Or if you have an idea or experience you want to share, why not write a guest blog post?
Just leave a comment below stating what you want me to write about, or what you want to share!
Mostly, I want your light to shine in a world that so desperately needs your expertise! What better way to share your talent than as a business owner? It’s highly motivating to reach out and build a tribe of followers when your bread and butter is your creative venture.
Let’s make February fabulous!
Photo by Craig Whitehead on Unsplash

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