How many of us move things to the bottom of our “want-to” list – we’ll get to our project when we have more time, more money, more quiet, more freedom, retirement – and on and on.
And then what happens? We still have the same 24 hours every day, we fill up our free time with urgent stuff, our money needs to go to some necessity, we’re still decades from retirement.
What is your dream project? Imagine being famous for doing what you do – a famous writer, musician, artist, jewelry maker, dancer, actor. Think about how you would live your life every day as a famous, say, writer. When your famous, you’re in a position to use your talents to help a ton of people.
So you can’t live that way all day every day – but I’ll bet you can live the life of a famous writer, doing what famous writers do – 15 minutes each day, right?
Then what happens? You accomplish your dream a bite at a time. You have a little appetizer of living what you love. Fifteen minutes adds up to 1 3/4 passionate hours a week! Doesn’t just thinking about it make you all lit up and tingly?
You’re doing it!
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