We need creative people. Your ability to connect people, share experiences, dissolve our differences and bring us together. Art reflects our innermost selves that we thought only we felt, making us feel less alone and more understood.
Bernard Hiller says, “When we watch a film, see a play or listen to a singer that resonates in our soul, we feel as though someone understands us. Compassion and a deeper understanding of others can heal the world. This, in my opinion, is the greatest gift we can give each other.” (Huffington Post.com, The Blog 12/30/2016)
“Performing” types of creativity/art are different from other kinds – your art lives in the moment, then is gone. Your audience reacts to and interacts with you. You adjust your performance to affect them in a certain way. It’s energy building in a feedback loop.
It happens in all sorts of performing. Poetry readings can make people laugh, cry, feel inspired. A fiddling jam session in a pub is joyous – and yes, you made that happen! A marching band makes the crowd cheer. Dance inspires others to join in with you and each other.
I call it “the stage rush.” When you’re doing your thing, caught up in the moment, absorbing the energy of the crowd. Joyful and heady. I used to be nearly paralyzed in fear of performing alone, since I felt fearful of being judged. Till I realized – hey, how many people watching me can do what I do? Pretty much zero! So you show off a little, feel a little full of yourself. That’s confidence, when you can give 100% to your audience without fear. I still feel a nervous excitement, but the difference between that and fear is one diminishes your performance, while the other enhances it, adds more energy!
I absolutely love, appreciate, and honor the creatives among us!
Photo by jesse ramirez on Unsplash

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