Yesterday we touched on why you need to have a viable email list for your biz. Now let’s talk about how.
The right program makes the difference between it being a chore or a breeze. I mentioned some yesterday. Study the features of each one and make an informed decision on which will work best for you.
What Does Your Ideal Customer Want?
How do you encourage people to give you their email addresses? Well, you have to offer them something of value to them –
- Offer a discount or coupon with an imminent expiration date to create a sense of urgency. Too far in the future, and they’ll forget about it.
- Give away something of value. What does your ideal client need? It can be in the form of a downloadable PDF, video, ebook, article, newsletter subscription, checklist, template, cheat sheet, list of resources, e-course, workbook……
- Make it super easy for website visitors to sign up to your mailing list. Popup ads are hard to ignore, but make sure they’re not annoying. Making them funny is better than one demanding they sign up if they want to view your sight (I hate those too!). You could put in a link to sign up; much more subtle but less in-your-face. Also include a signup form or box on every page of your website and in your menu bar.
- Send a friendly thank you email to everyone who signs up. It’s a nice added touch and just feels good to your signup-ee.
- Writing guest posts on other bloggers’ sites and including a signup form is great for exposure.
- In your social media bios, be sure to include a link to a giveaway. Clever! In Facebook, this is done by clicking on the “Create a call to action button.”
Remember – you must offer something of value in exchange for their email address. Make it awesome, as this is their first customer experience, their first impression of you. Make them feel like, WOW.
Email programs automate everything for you after an initial setup; it’s not like you’ll be writing emails out manually.
Also, you are required to allow subscribers to opt-out. Be sure to include an easy way to do it at the bottom of every email you send out

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