A mastermind group presented this little project recently: to Google our business without using the name in order to test our Google search results. Did you pop up on the first page, or are you still looking?
Uh-oh. Yep. Happened to me, too. Just want to share my experience so you can do the same. Simple and tech-free.
My first Google search, “website copywriter,” returned these results:
A whole bunch of ads, such as Upwork, WritingAssist, Copywriting.com, FinestContentWriting………
Websites that came up were “Do You Need a Website Copywriter? Susangreen copywriter,” “Professional Copywriting Services, Jacob MacMillan, “Powerful, Vivid, and Actionable Website Copywriting,” “Lisa Banks | Website Copywriter – SEO copy and online content,” and “Jenny Catton | Freelance Copywriter | Website Copywriter”
Second stab at Google – “online business writing,” gave me a list of courses.
Next up, “write blog posts for me” resulted in “Blog Post Writers for Hire,” “How to………”
The Takeaway
Get into the mind of your ideal customer. Try to anticipate what search terms they would use to find you. Do you come up? Note who does pop up, especially on the first page. Are you surprised?
Looking at the business, people, and products that did come up, what keywords are they using? How can you use them? When you do a Google search, the short description that appears is called a “META description.” That’s something you can actually tweak yourself in your website and individual posts. If your website is in WordPress, there’s a plugin called Yoast; it guides you through it by using a checklist and gives you a score as you go.
Like everything, the more you do it, the better your results will be. It’s actually kind of fun trying to tweak a blog post in order to change red and yellow “lights” to all green. Then you’re good to go! To be honest, I love the immediate feedback without having to endure a lot a trial-and-error work.
When first venturing into the online marketing universe – and it seems more like a universe than a world – it was intimidating to observe the knowledge and techniques of the “gurus.” But finding out there are tools available for us “regular” people is fantastic!
So now you have three hugely important marketing tools – tweaking your META descriptions, finding effective keywords, and Yoast for (your WordPress site.)
Any questions for me? Feel free to contact me via my “Contact” page.
Happy marketing!
Photo by Arthur Osipyan on Unsplash

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