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Plan Your Year In Advance

Plan Your Year In Advance

Thinking about planning the upcoming year is always a new year’s resolution, right? So here we are, mid-March…..why not? Long after everyone else has abandoned their resolutions seems like a good time to make yours!   Did you know that getting your...
Get Organized With Physical Planners

Get Organized With Physical Planners

Walk into any Staples, or browse online, and you will find hundreds of different planners. I admit to being a planner junkie, and I’m not the only one! We all yearn to get our lives in order and believe buying the latest planner will magically make it happen....

Your Superpowers

Solitude! You likely know the main trait that characterizes an introvert – you need solitude to recharge. If you’re like me, crowds, chatty people, loud places, a hectic schedule, in-your-face co-worker……you get the...

When Not To Make Ripples

What happens when you drop a stone into water? It ripples outward, right? Have you ever had so much on your mind that you can’t focus; your energy radiating out in all directions? After days, weeks, months, years of focus going everywhere……you...