by Ellen Clarke | Aug 6, 2017 | Focus
Solitude! You likely know the main trait that characterizes an introvert – you need solitude to recharge. If you’re like me, crowds, chatty people, loud places, a hectic schedule, in-your-face co-worker……you get the...
by Ellen Clarke | Jul 30, 2017 | Spirituality
Be patient and gentle with yourself. It probably took a long chain of events to embed your beliefs about you. Unwinding those beliefs might take some time. It’s ok to not act like an extrovert. It really is! I spent decades suffering from killer headaches, food...
by Ellen Clarke | Jul 23, 2017 | Spirituality
Identifying as either an introvert or extrovert* seems to be one of the hottest topics on social media. Since you’re reading this in Pimp Your Path, I’m assuming you ended up here because you consider yourself a introvert. BTW – welcome! I’m...
by Ellen Clarke | Nov 7, 2016 | Focus
What happens when you drop a stone into water? It ripples outward, right? Have you ever had so much on your mind that you can’t focus; your energy radiating out in all directions? After days, weeks, months, years of focus going everywhere……you...
by Ellen Clarke | Oct 31, 2016 | Focus
I know I do. Don’t know if it’s really a thing. It’s not a disorder, but an inability to categorize your thoughts. Every single idea and thought that shoves itself to the front of your brain demands attention. You lose focus. If you...
by Ellen Clarke | Oct 27, 2016 | Focus
How many of us move things to the bottom of our “want-to” list – we’ll get to our project when we have more time, more money, more quiet, more freedom, retirement – and on and on. And then what happens? We still have the same 24...
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